Hexagonal Architecture on Spring Boot
In this article, I’ll show how to implement a Spring Boot application using Hexagonal Architecture.
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In this article, I’ll show how to implement a Spring Boot application using Hexagonal Architecture.
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Following up of my [previous post][1], I was curious how a parallel map operation would look like using Java’s [parallelStream
][2]. Here’s what I find out.
 This week I needed to test a class that depended on a method from an static class. I saw we were using [PowerMock][1] and thought to myself: “Well this sounds pretty common, I bet it’s easy to accomplish”. But of course I ran into half a dozen issues before I was able to make it work. Here’s my two cents to make your experience easier than mine.
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We were having a [race condition][1] on a server which was “fixed” by adding an sleep to the thread to check again later. Yes, it sucked, so I decided to make something more sophisticated and went looking for a library to handle retries with multiple strategies. That’s when I first read about [Guava Retrying][2].
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Remember [my last post] on value types using [Google’s AutoValue]? Today while doing some work on a new Android project I’m starting I thought: ‘Great chance to use AutoValue!’. Guess what, there is a port of Google AutoValue for the Android platform.
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Value types is a fancy name for those classes where you have to implement equals()
and hashCode()
, and usually toString()
. You’ve probably wrote thounsands of those classes, but have you ever wonder why do you have write almost 50 lines of code to express such a common concept?
Implementing compare()
and compareTo()
methods was never fun. Luckily [Guava] provides an utility that makes comparison methods easier to write and more pleasing to the eye.
I’m starting a series of posts on Guava (Google’s core libraries). Today I am going to start with null, how to use it, and how to avoid it when necessary.
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